Menü Bezárás

Nemzetközi projektek

TRA 2026Transport Research Arena 2026: BudapestKTKGHorizon Europe2024-2026Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
metaCCAZEFlexibly adapted MetaInnovations, use cases, collaborative business and governance models to accelerate shared Zero Emission mobility for passengers and freightyKTKGHorizon Europe2024-2027Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
DREAMSDriving Equitable and Accessible 15 Minute Neighbourhood TransformationsKTKGDriving Urban Transitions2024-2026Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
CargoNE-CityCargo Bikes and Neighborhood Engagement in the 15-Minute CityKTKGDriving Urban Transitions2024-2026Esztergár-Kiss Domokos

Sustainable Urban MObility Development in OutskirtsKTKGNKFIH2024-2026Csiszár Csaba
PLOTODeployment and Assessment of Predictive modelling, environmentally sustainable and emerging digital technologies and tools for improving the resilience of IWW against Climate change and other extremesKTKGHorizon Europe2022-2026Csiszár Csaba
RegiaMobilEnhancing Mobility Services in Rural RegionsKUKGCentral Europe2020-2022Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
BE OPENEuropean forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transportKUKGH20202019-2021Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
ELECTRIC TRAVELLINGElectric travelling – platform to support the implementation of electromobility in Smart Cities based on ICT applicationsKUKGEME2018-2020Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
CA16222 WISE-ACTWider Impacts and Scenario Evaluation of Autonomous and Connected TransportKUKGCOST2018-2021Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
MaaS4EUEnd-to-end Approach for Mobility-as-a-Service tools, business models, enabling framework and evidence for European seamless mobilityKUKGH20202017-2020Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
EPICCentre of Excellence in Production Informatics and ControlALRTH20202017-2023 2015-2016Bohács Gábor
MOVECITEngaging employers from public bodies in establishing sustainable mobility and mobility planningKUKGCentral Europe2016-2019Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
PROSPECTProactive Safety for Pedestrians and CyclistsKUKGH20202015-2018Tóth János
SMARTPOLISEstablishment of the Budapest Smart City Centre of ExcellenceVRHTH20202015-2016Rohács Dániel
TU1305Social Networks and Travel BehaviourKUKGCOST2014-2018Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
TU1004Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of Intelligent Transport SystemsKUKGCOST2014-2015Esztergár-Kiss Domokos
STARTERSustainable Transport for Areas with Tourism through Energy ReductionKUKGIEE2012-2015Nagy Zoltán
A2-NET-TEAMAdvanced Aircraft Network for Theoretical & Experimental Aeroservoelastic ModelingVRHTFP72012-2014Gáti Balázs
ESPOSAEfficient Systems and Propulsion for Small AircraftVRHTFP72011-2015Rohács József
INNOVATEModelling support to validationVRHTSESAR JU2011-2014Rohács József
Move It!Modernisation of Vessels for Inland waterway freight TransportVRHTFP72011-2014Simongáti Győző
SAT-RdmpSmall Air Transport – RoadmapVRHTFP72011-2013Rohács József
NELICooperation-Network for Logistics and Nautical Education focusing on Inland Waterway Transport in the Danube Corridor Supported by Innovative SolutionsVRHTSEE2009-2012Hargitai Csaba
EcoRailSEnergy efficiency and environmental criteria in the awarding of regional rail transport vehicles and servicesKUKGIEE2009-2011Mészáros Ferenc
DELTAConcerted coordination for the promotion of efficient multimodal interfacesKUKGFP72009-2010Nagy Zoltán
MODSafeModular urban transport safety and security analysisKJITFP72009-2012Sághi Balázs
TRANS-AIDTransfer of Knowledge in Transport Infrastructure FinancingKUKGFP62005-2008Tánczos Lászlóné
IMPRINT-NETImplementing Pricing Reform in Transport NetworkingKUKGFP62005-2008Tánczos Lászlóné
REORIENTImplementing Change in the European Railway System, a Project Supporting Seamless Inter-modal Freight Transport along a Trans-European corridorKUKGFP62005-2007Tánczos Lászlóné
GRACEGeneralisation of Research on Accounts and Cost EstimationKUKGFP62005-2007Tánczos Lászlóné
HEATCODeveloping Harmonised European Approaches for Transport Costing and Project AssessmentKUKGFP62004-2006Tánczos Lászlóné
ECOHYBDevelopment of face milling process for Mg-hybrid (Mg-Al, Mg-sintered steel) materialsGJTFP62004-2006Takács János
CREATINGConcepts to Reduce Environmental impact and Attain optimal Transport performance by Inland NavigationVRHTFP62004-2006Simongáti Győző
SPECTRUMSPECTRUM – Study of Policies regarding Economic instruments Complementing Transport Regulation and the Undertaking of physical MeasuresKUKGFP52002-2005Tánczos Lászlóné
TIPPTransport Institutions in the Policy ProcessKUKGFP52002-2004Tánczos Lászlóné
MC-ICAMMarginal Cost Pricing in Transport - Integrated Conceptual and Applied Model AnalysisKUKGFP52001-2003Tánczos Lászlóné
UNITEUNIfication of accounts and marginal costs for Transport EfficiencyKUKGFP52000-2003Tánczos Lászlóné